Do you know what shark attacks have to do with the fourteenth moon?
Often there is a connection between two things that most people are not aware of, as experts have found in their latest research that there is a deep connection between the 14th moon and shark attacks.
Now the human intellect is stunned to hear the connection between the attacks of the moon and the shark, scientists say.
A study conducted in the United States has shown that when the 14th moon rises, the attacks of sharks in the sea increase.
Scientists have revealed that sharf attacks increase in the sea at night.
Researchers at Louisiana State University and the University of Florida have revealed that data on shark attacks over a period of almost 50 years has been reviewed.
According to the research report of the experts, when the moonlight was more than 50% between half moon completion, the number of unprovoked shark attacks was higher than average while the number of shark attacks was less than average in less than 40% moonlight. ۔
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