Why do most people's babies are born at night?

 Why do most people's babies are born at night?

We have often heard the news that parents suddenly rushed to the hospital at night and the baby was born - if you ask the people around you, most people will tell you that their birth It happened at night - but no one would have ever felt the need to consider why most babies are born at night.


The reason most babies are born at night

Although scientists are unable to provide a scientifically sound explanation for this, there are still some hypotheses that can be scientifically based on the fact that most people have children in general. Why does it happen at midnight?


Because of the customs of the past

Evolution is one of the main reasons why most babies are born at night, scientists say. So, in those early days, the only attempt was made to deliver the baby at night when other tribes and families would be there to help. Due to this principle of the time, An evolutionary change took place that made it easier for her to have children at night.

The role of hormones

From pregnancy to delivery, hormones play a vital role in the human body. A hormone called melatonin in the mother's body, which causes nighttime sleep, is also responsible for triggering labor pains.In the last days of pregnancy this hormne is greatly increased in the mother's blood and at night this hormone becomes more potent in combination with a hormone called oxytocin and causes most babies to be born at night. -


Normal delivery is usually at night

According to experts, most babies born in the United States are born between one and seven o'clock at night, and most babies born at this time are delivered normally - however, babies born through C-section are born during the day. There are-

However, all of these explanations and further research in this regard are still ongoing and scientists are trying to find out the relationship between the time of birth and the night of birth.

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